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Showing posts from August, 2018

A New Year and Manifesto

Hello everyone, Jessica here. I'm using the blog I used back for 445 so if you see previous entries (full of typos and half-formed thoughts, eek) that's why. It's nice to keep this blog going though and be able to reflect on what I wrote before. For my manifesto, I decided to write a poem... not sure if that's allowed but being that a manifesto is a declaration of sorts, the poetic form worked (hopefully), at least for me and sorting through my thoughts which are often scatter-brained one-liners. "Manifesto" I am a teacher who does not seek straight-backed rows of tucked in selves and compliance, but freedom clanging like bells mirrored in my students' eyes and laughter, only their chimes are louder. Fire sharpened and kindled on the lives of one another, creating a new, better world, where love is possible, not dampened by the weight of fill-in-the-blank dots  and their own ellipses of quiet and pain. I am a teac...